Indian Canyon is the only land continuously held by the Ohlone people, the first inhabitants of the San Francisco and Monterey Bay Areas. Indian Canyon is the only federally recognized “Indian Country” along coastal Northern California From Santa Barbara to Sonoma.
In order to provide a place for Indigenous people who need land for ceremony, Indian Canyon hosts over five sweat lodges, beautiful arbor area for gatherings, and offers a round house area (site for our future traditional Village House) for special events. In addition to offering 30-40 areas for individual prayer and ceremony. Indian Canyon provides research and exchange opportunities for students and interns from throughout Northern California.
All kinds of wildlife, flora and fauna, can be found in Indian Canyon, including Coastal Live Oak, Madrone, Buckeyes, Sycamore, Pine and Cottonwood, Deer, Red-tail hawks, Stellar Jays, Owls, Hummingbirds, Foxes and Coyotes, along with the occasional visiting Condors (during ceremony visiting from Pinnacles Park who are reintroducing Condors to the area). Located south of Hollister, this private remote Canyon may be visited by invitation. For more information, please call 831.350.0331 or via email at indiancanyon(at)
or Contact Kanyon Coyotewoman – – kanyon(at) ;

California is the most linguistically dense territory this side of the northern hemisphere – with in excess of 200 language dialects – over 90 language ‘groups’