Indian Canyon and Costanoan Indian Research are hosts to many people and organizations.
- Peace and Dignity Journey Runners – every 4 years (2012 San Juan Star Article(pdf), In the News 2009) Support PDJ on FACEBOOK
- Memorials
- Naming Ceremonies
- Weddings
- Sweat Lodges
- Monthly Intertribal Lodges (who welcome new visitors in need of a lodge – Contact AMS or KSR for more information)
- Some lodge leaders can make themselves available for those in need of a lodge
- Coming of Age Ceremonies
- Vietnam Wall
There have been many projects and programs initiated by Indian Canyon
- ANA Grants for NON-Federally Recognized Tribes
- CA Indian Storytellers Association – CISA, an offspring Indian Canyon’s Storytelling Event
- Naraya Gathering – in 2012 was the 2nd time the Naraya Dance for all people took place in California, and the first time it occurred on “Indian Country” (sovereign land continuously held by indigenous peoples) More info:
- 1,000 Hummingbirds –
- Allotment act of 1887 was successfully executed in 1988 (allowing Ann-Marie Sayers to reattain her family’s land)